The PEAK team builder

Seth Davis is a student of great coaches. He’s written a book called “Getting To ‘Us’” which describes how the most effective coaches build teams that succeed.

Davis created an acronym to describe the attributes of successful team builders: PEAK

P is for Persistence. Team builders believe in their process and point of view. They aren’t waylayed by setbacks. They stay the course in pursuit of developing successful teams.

E is for Empathy. Team builders have the ability to get into the minds of their team members. They can sense their feelings. They have an intuition about what makes them tick.

A is for Authenticity. They relate in an honest, straight forward way. They are comfortable in their skin.

K is for Knowledge. The coaches of successful teams know their stuff. Their competent knowledge inspires the teammates confidence. They can trust the coach because he knows the best path forward.

The PEAK team builder refines his kraft and builds on it thru the course of their career. The PEAK team builders get better with experience.