It’s hard to know what’s coming…
Predictions range from “we will be fine sooner than we think” to “it will be a long time before things are good again.” Those most pessimistic among us are predicting things will never be the same and that doomsday lies ahead.
Here’s a note I sent to my family today:
Stay nimble. Keep your head up. Be a helper. The only way out is through. The toughest change to adjust and adapt to is the one where you don’t know the final destination. My experience is that uncertainty about the future makes focusing on what’s immediate most critical. One day at a time.
NIMBLE – While movement is still an option, you must be prepared to move, and change based on the stuff coming at you. Jumping around for the sake of just doing something should be avoided. It would be better to think that something different will be required of you, as compared to standing pat and hoping things will pass without much impact.
HEADS UP – Information is your friend. I’d recommend that you develop a diverse circle you can trust for insight; trust those who have led you correctly before; listen to the experts, not Facebook or Twitter crazies; don’t follow one broadcast network at the exclusion of others. Information and facts are power.
HELP – In these kinds of crises, it’s easy to get focused on your fears and personal circumstances. It’s trite to say so, but chances are “you have it better” than many around you and in the world. Being alert to the needs of others and providing grateful, generous responses will be nourishing to your soul. Having soul fuels strength and endurance.
NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH – Winston Churchill said in the throes of World War II, “If you’re going through Hell, keep on going.” Hell is no place to stop. You must commit in your mind not to give up until you’re through. You can make it.