A Self-Management Checklist

Here are some other competencies that Harvard psychologist Daniel Goleman says contribute to developing a high Emotional Quotient (EQ).

These competencies fall in the domain of “self-management”.

  1. Emotional Self Control – People with high EQ don’t let their emotions get the best of them.  Most of us have the experience of causing harm because we didn’t keep our emotions in check. We said or did something we regretted in the throes of anger.  We pursued an experience because we thought it would feel good.  We purchased something we couldn’t afford.  You get what I mean.  One with a High EQ can pause, to think and to make a choice about how to react.  The cooler head usually overcomes a poor emotional action.
  2. Adaptability – Things don’t always go as planned or expected.  High EQ people understand that reality and accept it as reality.  That means they adjust to occurrences and situations.  They can maneuver, produce Plan B and handle situations as they come up.  Being adaptable isn’t being passive or reactive.  High EQ people use the need to adapt to be creative, to learn more, to build new relationships and to broaden their experience.  Adaptability is powerful.  High EQ people embrace it
  3. Achievement Motivation – High EQ people are achievement oriented.  They enjoy wining so they strive to win.  They are thrilled with learning, so they strive to be exposed to different ideas and people.  They have a competitive nature.  Results matter.  They keep score.
  4. Positive – All in all High EQ people are positive.  They believe that things can be better tomorrow.  They think they can grow.  They can influence.  They can inspire teamwork and cooperation.

Just like the domain of relationship management, this domain of self-management gives you a checklist for evaluation and competencies to develop.