EQ vs. IQ And Why It Matters

We all have heard the term IQ, which stands for Intelligence Quotient.

It’s a numerical measurement of how well you perform educational functions.  100 is normal.

For years, IQ was deemed to be a predictor of success. But, we all know people with a high IQ, who doesn’t have good personal skills and leadership ability.

So, in response to that, a term called EQ has surfaced. It’s called Emotional Quotient. In this case, it attempts to measure how well you exercise self-control and how well you interact with others.

I was reading an article that broke it down to a finer description.

Your EQ is high if you are personally competent. You are personally competent if you are self-aware and self-managed.

A high EQ also includes social competence. Socially competent folks are able to be socially aware and manage relationships.

In a blog by Travis Bradberry of Inc. Magazine, he broke down the attributes of personal competence this way:

Self-awareness is your ability to accurately perceive your emotions and stay aware of them as they happen.

Self-management is your ability to use awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and positively direct your behavior.

Thus, personally competent individuals don’t lose their temper, act inappropriately on impulse or do things they don’t intend to do.

He has this to say about social awareness:

Social awareness is your ability to accurately pick up on emotions in other people and understand what is really going on.

Relationship management is your ability to use awareness of your emotions and the others’ emotions to manage interactions successfully.

Thus, personally competent people understand others. They can perceive motivations and sensitivities. They connect in such a way as to create mutually satisfying results.

Here’s what’s cool about EQ. Studies show that you can improve EQ with intentional practice.

You can practice your social competence by staying within yourself as you feel emotions arise. You can make choices in the midst of challenging situations.

You can become socially aware by learning more about others and what makes them tick.

How is your EQ? It’s worth assessing. Studies show that a EQ is a better predictor of effectiveness than IQ. It’s worth attacking.