Fear and Dread Keep Us from Action

Perhaps this is real obvious, but what we think and what we believe frequently govern how we perform.

I have a young friend who is looking for a job. She has been dreading the experience.

The dread was based upon the last time she was looking. The economy was bad. The avenues for jobs were few. Many times she knocked on doors seeking opportunities. Most times she was rejected. It was a discouraging process.

This time it’s going better. She has gained experience. The economy has improved. Prospects are broader. Encouragement prevails.

But, she started the process dreading it. To her credit, she got rolling anyhow. She found out her dread wasn’t justified. She’s on her way.

But, here’s why I mention the story. How often do we forego doing something we should do, saying something we should say or pursuing something we should pursue because we predict a bad outcome? And, it turns out our prediction of a poor outcome is based on faulty thinking or belief.

I contend it happens all the time.

Fear and dread keep us from action. The shame of it is that fear and dread are based upon things that we think are so that aren’t.

So, here’s the challenge: what is it you feel you need to address that you aren’t addressing? What are the beliefs and experiences that make you feel that way? Who can you explore those things with to ascertain what you think is so remains so?

The more you explore those kinds of thoughts and test them, you will learn that most of the worrying that’s done isn’t worth the effort or energy. It can be far better to take on a positive thought, assume a positive result, assume a previous setback won’t recur and move ahead.

You may be surprised at the progress.