Jon Gordon’s five elements to realize a dream:

  • A positive vision
  • The will to work for it
  • Belief that it will happen
  • A supportive team
  • Faith during the journey

Gordon is a favorite author. His book The Energy Bus is popular in business these days. I recommend it.

These five steps toward realizing a dream resonated with me. You can substitute the word dream with goal, mission, or destination. Gordon describes the mindset for achievement.

Take each of these and reflect upon them.

  • A positive vision. Vision says intention to me. You conceive of something that isn’t a reality now and set out in that direction. It doesn’t happen by mistake but on purpose.
  • Will to work. People who achieve dreams are proven workers. Fortified by the vision, they will work harder and longer. Achieved dreams come with a price tag. Having the will to work beyond the point where others quit often defines a dream fulfilled.
  • Belief that it will happen. In the achievement process, there are usually times of discouragement. True believers put those moments behind them quickly and substitute them with belief. Temporary setbacks don’t deter true believers.
  • A supportive team. Meaningful accomplishments don’t occur in isolation. Powerful dreams gather up teammates who lend hands and hearts.
  • Faith during the journey. Sometimes in a journey, you don’t know what’s next. Dreamers develop comfort with the ambiguity of the uncertain and unseen.

In short, you achieve dreams by getting up each time you waver. As Louis L’-Amour says, “You aren’t ever licked if you don’t believe you are.”