Damian Lillard is a respected player in the NBA.  He was asked about what he does to change the pace and outcome of a game that hasn’t been going the way he prefers.

“First, you remember it’s a long game.  Just because we are off to a bad start, doesn’t mean that things won’t change back our way.  So, you keep playing and trying to do the right thing.”

He noted that it sometimes takes just a little thing to get the momentum shifted.

We all define our “games” a bit differently.  In pro basketball, it’s 48 minutes.  For you, it might be a work day.  A season of weeks.  A new fiscal year.  A decade.  All of them different.

Lillard points out that if you don’t like the pace, progress or momentum of your game, you need to change things up:

  • Try something harder. I watched a documentary last night where a non-athletic, patently obese guy took up the mission of training and completing a 100-mile ultra-marathon.  The story featured pain, setbacks, and extreme physical challenge.  He, and the people who helped him make it, were made better by the season of training and the taking on of the event.
  • Try something new. Trying things with a fresh approach will be a learning experience for you.  It will expand your tool box.
  • Try something different. The point is that when things aren’t going the way you like them – bad results, boredom, poor health – you won’t get a momentum shift without trying something differentIt doesn’t have to be big.  It can be a small step.  But, the more you stop to assess, initiate another different step, the more progress will occur and momentum will change.

Are you satisfied with the state of your life? Need a shift in momentum?  It falls to you to make it happen.