It is said that humans are “wired” to be on teams.

We are born into families. Others raise us. We learn by interacting. We achieve more through cooperation and collaboration.

Our best lives are achieved through participating in groups. It would make sense to develop and bring that mindset to every group you join. One part of that mindset should be how you handle yourself when called to lead.

I collected these bullet points recently. Sean McVay, who coached the Los Angeles Rams to a Super Bowl championship, is the author.

He says the first step toward creating a team is to focus on the foundation. It includes the following:

  • Character – get the right players.

Pretty quickly you’re assessing the capability of the team assembled.  Do you have the skills needed amongst the team? Does everybody understand the purpose of the team and the role each one must play?

  • Connected – create shared experiences.

We’ve learned through these COVID times how important connecting face-to-face is for getting best results; when you’ve shared a meal or worked together on a project, connections form.

  • Consistency – show up every day.

Building a team requires rhythm and regularity. Improvement is frequently a subtle, inch-by-inch thing.  Identify goals and attack them where consistency matters.

  • Communication – engage clearly.

Finally, communication needs constant attention. No matter how effective our communication, know this truth: it can be better. I focus on clarity, transparency, and courage in what we communicate.

McVay ends his thoughts on team building with this: “Be selective with your talent, intentional with your culture.”

Build your team relentlessly.  Create a culture that inspires them to perform and persist.