Found this quote today:

“You can change environments. But until you change yourself, nothing else will ever change.” – Joshua Bonhotal

We live in a dynamic, changing environment. Things are thrown at us all the time. Sometimes it feels overwhelming.

I see people shut down because of the change that is occurring. The waves come so fast and furious it is easy to give in.

The important question that this quote drew from me is this: Given the changing environment you find yourself in, what are you doing to adapt?

In other words, I believe that we should confront change with change. It isn’t passive. We need to assess our changing environment every day and have a strategy for embracing it.

  • First, you have to acknowledge that if things are stable, it’s for a brief time. We should expect change and commit to engage in it.
  • Second, we have to be mindful that the new environment will likely require new skills, new relationships, and greater knowledge. Part of our change strategy must be gathering the resources necessary to handle it.
  • Third, the most important change resource you have is to be aligned with a team or community that can help you engage the change. Change in isolation is way more difficult than change with teams. Develop your network. Surround yourself with others who can and will help.
  • Fourth, you need to acknowledge that change means you will lose some things you wish weren’t gone, but also that you have a chance to move ahead. Keeping an even keel as you swim in change will serve you. Don’t hold on tightly to what has been, and look expectantly at what can be.
  • Fifth, take care of yourself. You need your energy. You need your rest. You need to be on your game. Change isn’t for the passive and faint of heart.
  • Finally, the more you embrace change, the better you are at navigating it. To “happen to the world,” you need to be the change that the environment requires.