The 7 Hope Killers

A psychologist Mark Goulston printed this list.

  1. If you have no gratitude, you’re disappointed
  2. If you have no confidence, you’re doubtful
  3. If you have no faith, you’re pessimistic
  4. If you have no belief, you’re skeptical
  5. If you have no trust, you’re cynical
  6. If you have no respect, you’re disdainful
  7. If you have no forgiveness, you’re bitter.

Goulston said its a list of “hope killers”.

I don’t know about you, but I try to be hopeful. Having hope is having the expectation that things will improve, be better.

The list of 7 killers: disappointment, doubt, pessimism, skepticism, cynicism, disdain and bitterness can find their way into our thought process. But, if we want “hope”, they can’t stay.

This list is worth clipping and putting somewhere you can see it. When you’re thinking life sucks, check out the list. Find the negative that plagues you. Do the opposite.

If you aren’t hopeful, you’re hurting your team. Adjust your approach.