“You fuel your heart with six things: what you watch, what you read, what you listen to, who you surround yourself with, how you talk to yourself, and what you visualize.” – Joshua Medcalf, author of Chop Wood, Carry Water!

I had the privilege of speaking to the honor students at Bartow High School on the night they were recognized.

These kids are the best and brightest in our community. They are doing good things to reach their goals and achievements. They have a lot of runway ahead of them. I sought to share some thoughts that would help them along the path.

Joshua Medcalf’s observation about the care and feeding of the heart was one of the things I shared.

In the world today, there are many things coming our way. As a parent and a grandparent, I watch what occurs and it causes concern about what my loved ones could and will encounter.

One of the things I hope for the people I care about is that their “heart” will be vital and safe. I’m not talking about the blood-pumping, physical heart. I’m speaking of the “heart” that guides us, fortifies us, and brings us the essence of our being.

While we may fight to protect and guard our children’s hearts, we all know that eventually the care and feeding of the heart moves away from us and into the care of each person. We each are responsible for the condition of our heart.

So, we fuel it. We shouldn’t leave it to chance. We make choices about its health and what we take in through:

  • What we read.
  • What we listen to.
  • What we watch.
  • How we speak to ourselves.
  • Who we hang around with.
  • What goals and direction we choose.

You want the kids you care about to protect their hearts? Start by showing them how it’s done.