Achieve success one step at time

Sergio Garcia plays the Master’s golf tournament in 2015. Creative Commons:

Sergio Garcia won the Master’s golf tournament. You may not be a golf fan, but it was a major deal for Garcia and the game.

Garcia burst onto the golf scene in the late 90s. He had prodigious talent, and it was thought he would be one of the historic players of the game.

Historic players win the “major tournaments:” The Masters, the United States Open, the British Open, and the PGA Championship. Despite a successful career and making a lot of money, his career lacked because he had played in 73 “majors” and never won one.

The 74th time was a charm.

The coverage has been massive. His fans are delighted. Even his critics are grudgingly giving him his “props.”

He was asked the difference. He said he hadn’t competed with the right mindset in the past. He said this tournament, he was “calm.” Charlie Rose asked what he meant.

“More committed to what I was going to do.” He made decisions to make shots and committed to the plan. He wasn’t hitting his shots with a head full of doubt.

“More accepting of what was happening, both good and bad.” In the past, setbacks would cause a round to deteriorate. Reasonable efforts might create foolhardy risks. Those flurries of the brain caused him to lose a winning edge.

“Not getting ahead of myself. Staying in the moment.” Success is attained one step at a time.

In life, you commit to your step. Summon your courage. Take your shot. Do it over again.

It’s interesting to see how champions think. You can think that way, too.

-Howe Q Wallace Jr