If I had my druthers, all teammates would be working on some plan to get better at their jobs all the time. No exceptions.

Here’s why. When you aren’t intentional about getting better, you will likely be drifting backward. Every day without addressing a plan to improve creates a gap further from your team’s best or personal best.

  •  Intentional improvement will increase engagement. People have a higher self-regard when they are engaged in their work. They are challenged. They derive satisfaction with every step.
  • Intentional improvement increases competency. When seeking improvement is your habit, you are better at everything you take on in life. Being intentional about improvement transfers to all you do. Once it is in your makeup, you bring more to every situation you encounter.
  • Intentional improvement is a mindset. It focuses your attention as you go through life. Looking for ways to save time, material, and movement is a habit adopted by the achievers of the world. You think through life toward making things better and you will make a difference that is respected.

What are you working on? Make it better. Do it again tomorrow.