Hope for the New Year

My hope is that you have been experiencing great joy in this season.

I’m learning that “joy” comes from where your heart is and where your mind is set.

In this season, can you set your mind on blessings? They surround us if we pay attention. Roofs over our heads. Great communities where we live. Family members you love. Friends who help. And, I hope, a job where you contribute and draw satisfaction.

Set your mind on growth. All things occurring for you, whether good or bad, teach us. Strengthen us. Give us fresh perspectives. Allow a platform for improvement. If you find tough circumstances, press on. If things are going well, count your blessings and be a good steward.

Be hopeful. You can choose pessimism. You can choose to focus on what’s wrong in politics, wars, or relationships. But being negative doesn’t change things. Action, love, and optimism do. Be that force. Be that light. Distinguish yourself with the hope you offer.


